In the newest Aqual Evo S6 model we have used advanced equilibrium audio technologies to offer exceptional sound.
The new EVOLTA series has been built on the basis of the advanced DCF (diffraction control front plate) platform. The DCF concept boils down to the appropriate shaping of the front of the loudspeaker, with the aim of minimizing the unfavorable influence of the diffraction of sound waves in the high and mid-range ranges. The sound effect of using DCF is precise location of phantom images and realistic mapping of space with suggestive gradation of planes.
The new EVOLTA series has been built on the basis of the advanced DCF (diffraction control front plate) platform. The DCF concept boils down to the appropriate shaping of the front of the loudspeaker, with the aim of minimizing the unfavorable influence of the diffraction of sound waves in the high and mid-range ranges. The sound effect of using DCF is precise location of phantom images and realistic mapping of space with suggestive gradation of planes.
IDEA S8 is a loudspeaker dedicated to work in medium-sized rooms, where it offers a refined, full-range sound reproduction.
Equilibrium to Kolumny Głośnikowe typu High End zbudowane dla Audiofila.